Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Yea, But...You're A Weak Bitch

I often find myself in hot water for conveying my messages the way that I do. Never will I apologize for articulating myself in a manner that makes one uncomfortable, why? Because some sh** just needs to be said. I did an entire piece on the fuckboy epidemic and I had a bunch of people in their feelings. You ever miss the train/bus or maybe a traffic light that would've made you on time for work, by just a few seconds? THAT'S how upset people felt over that piece. *shrugs* Sh** happens. Life happens. In life, sh*t happens for a reason and that piece was written to help women wake up and to also advise men to get their sh** straight. Now, have I succeeded in doing that? Who knows. What I do know that this piece you're about to read...will land me in even more hot water, why? Because some sh**...just needs to be said.

Ladies, please know and understand that I love y'all and what you're about to read isn't meant to degrade, demoralize, belittle, disrespect, or judge you in any way, shape or form. I say that because I know that sometimes hearing the "truth" can be a little hard, but I feel you need to hear this. Your mother/grandmother told you a bunch of bullsh** about men and they struggled to keep your father's/grandfather's ol' rollin stone ass in check. Your best friend tells you all the time to, "f*** love and do you" and she's on your phone crying every other month about a dude, who won't even text her back after having sex with her! You've been doing the same sh*t over and over and been failing because you're a dumbass! You continue to ignore signs that you shouldn't and you're a dumbass for that. You continue to settle with men who don't even deserve you but none of that even matters because you're a dumbass. I'm not here to hug you and tell you that you'll be fine. I'm not here to sugarcoat a, motherf*ckinthing! I'm here to give you the real, from my perspective, whether you like it or not. I'm here to sit yo ass down and help you no longer be...

a weak bitch!

*class is in session*

Many talk about the fuckboy epidemic but fail to mention the weak bitches that enable their behavior. Yup, you read that right; the weak bitches/women/queens/girls/ladies, that enable their behavior. A lot of women are weak and don't even realize it. I don't say that to disrespect you ladies; I say it because there's some truth to it. A lot of you come to class and still don't learn sh**. I can share my perspective on how to first, love yourself and for whatever reason you'll still end up putting Barry's bum ass before self. I get it. No seriously...I get it! You're afraid to change the way you've been thinking because you've been conditioned to think that, any other way of thinking is wrong. You're afraid that, if you put your foot down, and say "nah" to the fuck sh** that you'll forever be lonely. Granny told you to put your foot in your cooking because the way to a man's heart, is through his stomach...you put your foot AND leg and he still ended up at Fiona's table! Ya aunties told you to put a little spit on that di** when you suckin it...you drained his nuts and he still found a chick to drain them, again. Mama told you that if he leaves and comes back, he was always yours...his ass left, came back, left again, fu**** some next chick, came back, showed a little change, left again, manipulated you into believing he was sorry for all the sh** he put you through, left, and came back to only leave again.

"Umm, ok, that doesn't make a woman weak...just means she's in love..."

Ok, so maybe those examples don't necessarily make her weak, but I'm sure the following sure as hell does:

Official While Unofficial:
You're weak because you find joy in taking care of a man that is not yours. When I say, "not yours" I don't mean in the sense of being a side chick...I mean in the sense of a situationship. You fu**, suck, cook for, clean up after, suck and fu** some more, give money to, and every single thing else under the sun for a man who doesn't even claim you! You ask him, "well, what are we?" and he says,

He doesn't give a fu** about you; he gives a fu** about what you can do FOR him! But who cares about a title when your bond is solid as a rock, right? Ha! You're about as delusional as one of them Love & Hip Hop chicks (not you Remy baby). You're not in a committed relationship and you're doing a bunch of girlfriend/wife ish for a dude who isn't YOUR man?! Oh, I forgot, you like community dick! You're asking him all types of questions and he Hotline Bling dances around them. The only thing straight he ever gives you is Henny di**! But who caresssss when you "got a man" who does nothing for you but blows your back out! Who caresssss when you got a man who will let you take off guard pics and post them on the Gram, just as long as you don't show his whole face! Who caresssss if he's not loyal to you or doesn't answer you truthfully. Who caresssss if he's made you look like a complete dumbass countless times! Who, cares, if, he, doesn't, care, just as long as YOU care- that's all that matters, right? Ha! You're weaker than Meek's first response to Drake! He told you that "you're special" and you believed him...so you rewarded him with pussy. He had a long day of not answering your calls/text/snaps/DMs...so you rewarded him with a blow job. You go hard to show him what you bring to the table before he even explains who he is at the door! He treats you better than your last dude, so it must be real- wrong, dumbass! There's no title, no nothing but you're comfortable with being official while unofficial because he gave you a song and dance about how he's not ready for a relationship but was super ready the moment you wanted to ride his face? Ha! You're weaker than crackhead edges! You're weak for a man, who isn't yours boo.

What His Wife/GF Gotta Do Wit Me:
Any and I mean ANY woman who admits and glorifies the fact that she's a side chick is not only weak but a complete and utter dumbass! "It's my life and I do what I want and if being a side chick is what I like...who cares because I don't" was said to me (in not so many words) not too long ago and I didn't know what to say. If you know me, then you KNOW, I usually have something to say about something, but I had no real response but, "if it makes you happy- cool." Nah, not cool. Yes you get dick, dates, trips, gifts, and a bunch of other things but guess what? HIS MAIN CHICK IS GETTIN THE SAME SH*T! You know how stupid you look, bragging about sharing a man?!? "Ok, but so what! HE STILL EATIN MY P**** BITCH! If that's you're man, he wasn't last night (sticks out tongue)." Some of y'all think sh** like that is cool and it isn't in the slightest. He told you he was having problems and needed someone to talk to and BOOM- in comes youi! You're a side chick because there are some things, his wife/GF, just isn't comfortable doing. You're a side chick because him and his wife don't know God together, as a couple. You're putting in all that energy, time, and affection into a man that isn't yours, when you could be doing the same thing for a man that COULD be yours! Spare me the thot quotes. Spare me the social media logic. Spare me the hoeisms. I get it. No seriously...I get it! You feel comfortable in that role because you don't value yourself. You don't love yourself enough. You don't know your worth, yet. You don't understand your worth, yet. You're a weak bitch who is content with a man who will never, ever give you real, unconditional love. You're a weak bitch because you think that you're winning because your special in the eyes of a weak man! *gasp* Yup, his ass is weak and you're weak and together ya'll form a weak ass bond! You think his wife won't check his ass and yo ass if she were to find out? Ha! Bitch, you should open up for Kevin Hart! Let's say that, idk, he leaves her and gets with you: what do you think will happen when ya'll start having problems? Oh that's right...your pussy will remind him that you were there when he needed you most. Ha!

Biggie With The Chances:
You're weak because you give too many damn chances. I'm a firm believer in giving 3 chances:

First one for me
Second one for you
Third one for us

Anything beyond that is excessive and unnecessary. You give a dude chance after chance to f*** you over and he hasn't learned a thing but you don't care because you fear being alone because he's all you know. He comes back to you and promises he will change but it happens for a month or whatever and he's back to his old ways. Change? Sh**, that's like trying to speaking Korean to a Dominican- it just doesn't make sense! Why should HE care when HE knows that you'll take him back if HE cries n'sh**? Men who get chance after chance after chance prey on you weak bitches. These dudes are like white men with rifles hunting deer in the woods and guess whose Bambi's moms? *POW* GOTCHA, bitch! You won't leave him. Even though he's no good and you know you deserve better, you're afraid to start over. You're used to the di** you get on a reg. You're used to his dickhead ways. You're used to the neglect. You're used to the lies. You're used to the cheating. You're used to barely talking about your problems. You're used to the mediocrity and THAT'S a problem! But who cares, right? As long as he doesn't stay away for too long- all is well in your world. You've become quite comfy with being wholeheartedly unhappy but you ain't leaving...no...you're gonna stay with him because anything else would be uncivilized. So what if he's a dick, he's YOUR dick! You will give him all the chances in the world just as long as he promises to treat you like shit right and do good on his promises. Biggie only gave them bitches one more chance...you on the other hand giving Josh's ass twentyleven chances to prove to you that you're weak. His tongue hit that clit and you started crying on the inside and you pushed his head deeper and moaned, "I love you" because at the end of the day...you'll forever love the unhappiness he provides you break-up after break-up.

Man over Self:
Any-f**kin-time you put a man, over yourself, especially one that's clearly treating you like you're sh**- youre weak. You want a man in your life so much that you will continuously allow his ass to dog you out! He knows it. You know it. God knows. Your friends on Facebook know it. Your Instagram followers know it. The waitress at Red Lobster knows it. He got yo ass in check, like a motherf**ka! He fu**s up, ya'll fu**, and you taking his ass to Red Lobster! Who cares if he treats you like sh**, 60% of the time- you got a man! That man will come before your kids...nevermind.

The Kool-Aid Man Theory:
You're weak because you sit at home and complain about men you never interact with. Oh, I get it nooow...you expect a man to burst through your door like the f*ckin Kool-Aid man

Day and night you sit at home and complain on social media how bored you are and how yada yada is this and how blah blah blah is that, but you never do sh** to fix it. Your homegirls go out on dates but you don't. You get invited out but you decline with some bumass excuse and then complain about it later. You watch Instagram couples like @marytooturnt & @gregbeen_a1 turn up on their BaeCation and it makes you feel some type of way. You want that Jay & Bey or that Meek & Nicki or hell, Kanye & Kanye, but guess what? You won't find a man sitting in your damn house night after night, weakened after weekend in your panties and your college t-shirt! As a kid, I deadass drank Kool-Aid and thought the Kool-Aid man would burst through my door, but he never did. I hated drinking it for about two whole days because I felt cheated. Just like me, many of you weak minded ass bitches feel the same; a man will magically burst through your door and make you bae! Well, newsflash: IT (hand clap) WON'T (hand clap) HAPPEN (hand clap, hand clap)! If you center your life around work and or school and or your kids and or church but no time to go out and socialize then how could you complain about being single? My city is filled with dickheads. I don't trust these men. Bitch STFU, you don't trust yourself! You're afraid of commitment! You can wait for God to deliver you a man but his ass won't be delivered in your living room while watching The Walking Dead! You have more excuses than a ni*** going to jail on why you're single and afraid to get up and out and look.

You can give any excuse you want and while it may help you sleep at night, boo boo...it won't help you land a man. You know where you'll find a man? Out-fuckin-side! The mall. The library. Maybe church. A bookstore. A coffee shop. A lounge. Hell, the grocery store! But in order to find a man or have a man find you, you have to go out! But I get it. No seriously...I get it! That takes time and you ain't got time to put in that kinda work. You could slide in someone's DM but because you've been bombarded with dic** picturesin the past, you're not even interested. You could do a dating website but that will make you seem too desperate and desperation is a turn off. You could ask your friend to hook you up with a dude but the dudes, once again, ain't sh** in your city. So where does that leave you? In the house praying the Kool-Aid man  Mr. Right has your address and comes climbing through your window on some romantic sh**. Well, let me know how that goes because if it works for you...make sure he has a sister or an aunt and send her my way.

"I'm not looking for anything serious but if something happens then...":
You're a weak bitch because you continuously tell these men (yourself) that, "you're not looking for anything serious at the moment but if something happens, so be it" and you know like I know...that's a motherf**kin lie! You know what happens when you say that shi*? Nothing serious, happens! You catch feelings and start looking for him to do the same and when it doesn't happen now you're mad. Oh, you thought your pu**y would change his mind huh? Wrong! You already put it out there that you weren't interested in anything serious so how could you feel some kinda way when you don't get something serious? You call him a fuckboy because ya'll f**ked and now he isn't pressed to make you his woman, but you told him you weren't looking for anything serious and then proceed to lick the shaft of his dick. Oh, ok, maybe it didn't happen like that but did you expect that he was gonna take you serious, the moment YOU got serious? Ha! That whole statement is weak and makes you weak because your intentions aren't clear. If you're not ready for a relationship on any level, then why proceed to give your body away? I get it. No seriously...I get it! You want something but you don't know how to tell him that you're afraid of getting hurt again. You're afraid he won't meet your expectations or live up to your standards. You're afraid to tell him that you still need time to heal from the last dude, so you give him that excuse, hoping nothing serious comes about while ya'll just "talk". 8/10 something serious comes about outta not looking or wanting something serious. I don't need statistics from LSU or any other major university to tell me if that's true or not when you can look at all the examples you've been through, dumbass! You go right ahead and keep leaning on that crutch of an excuse and see how miserable you'll be later down the line.


Now, this entire class I've said, "I get it" and truly I don't. I don't see how any woman can allow a man to disrespect her repeatedly and it be ok because she feels that's what love is all about. I put a couple of women through shit but I also realized my actions and made the necessary changes. I try to understand how you can be so immersed in a relationship that you ignore the signs that you should leave and work on yourself until you're ready to date again but you don't. You're a weak bitch for allowing yourself to be treated like sh*t. If you're going through nothing but downs with a man (or woman) at this current moment in your life, but you're afraid to leave because you don't wanna be lonely...you're weak- no debate. Everyone has their breaking point sooner than others but I'm here to say that you have to stop allowing yourself to be treated less than your value! You know why McDonald's started selling breakfast all day? Because other businesses are starting to sell breakfast and you have places like Chick-Fil_A, that's on the come up! You know why men manipulate you weak women? To plant seeds in their mind so they don't get any ideas on leaving their goofy ass! You got a man that dictates your life and you don't even know it. You got a man that has broken you spiritually and you don't even know it. He done, ran off with your heart twice/you say you leavin but, he don't ever change byke. I need you to listen and listen good: leave. You don't have a direction, ya'll lack understanding, the trust sucks amongst ya'll, the communication is piss poor, and the honesty hasn't been there since date 3. In a relationship, you're supposed to go half, you know, like a dutch date and when you transition into marriage, you then become one. If ya'll struggle with direction, understanding, trust, communication, and honesty; your foundation will forever be f***ed up. I don't want you to be weak in any aspects of your life ladies because of NO MAN. Know your worth. You are worthy of love. Mr. Right won't come knocking on your door. Mr. Right isn't the guy you're currently with. God will bless you with a man like he's done with all your blessings but guess what? You gotta meet him half way, beautiful. Get that ass in formation and to the left, to the left his bumass.

*class dismissed*


1 comment:

  1. Oh how I appreciate your honesty it sounds so much better hearing this from a man. Was once a weak bitch
