Monday, June 29, 2015

Bruh...I Don't WANT, Your Girl

The great thing about being a "relationship consultant" (as I like to call myself because guru is that I am able to converse with people who have different perspectives and experiences that have lead them down the path they are today. I enjoy the company of people. Conversation flowing, laughs, debating, all that- I enjoy. When I break that down even further, I specifically enjoy the company of women. And not for the contrary assumption of wanting to obtain sex but because when you honestly converse with learn a lot. Women from all walks of life, hit me up seeking advice about their man issues and because of the relationships I've been in and just life experiences in general, I'm able to give my honest feedback on what it is they need advice with. Some take it, others don't. For me, it will never, EVER, be about telling someone what they WANT to hear, but more so, what I feel/think is right with the given information. But, WITH the enjoyment of female company comes...

their men!

BF(s), side dude, ex BF, ex side dude, husband, ex husband, crazy ex husband, fiancé, the dude in the friend zone, the boo, the bae, the dude she's currently f**kin, and so on and so forth.

I knew the very moment I started to blog, that women would be drawn to the idea of a man sharing his thoughts/feelings but never did it cross my mind that men would follow, in the manner they do- these dudes are crazy! Now if I had a dollar for every single time one of these dudes had an issue with me...I’d be able to eat at Chipotle every Friday and Saturday afternoon for the next 2 years! I'll share with you a couple stories, now bare with me, I can't make this stuff up, this is real:

Story #1I was cool with this chick on Facebook for some years. We went out for wings a few times, hell, she got drunk one night and I even called her a cab so that she would get home safely because in the summer...anything is liable to happen. Anytime we wrote to each other on FB, we’d joke on one another, flirt, call each other punk or sweetie or homie, you know, nothing too serious. One day, she sends me this long ass inbox message, to let me know she recently started a new relationship and her new BF didn't appreciate the way I would write on her wall, so she asked me to chill on the sweet talk- ok, no problem. Now mind you, it must’ve just become official a FEW days before the message because we were harmlessly flirting not that long ago. When I tell you this guy had her on lock-DOWN and had her unfriend me and all that- bruh! For the 6 months they were together, we talked a couple times and that was only because we had mutual friends and went to the same lounges. After they broke she comes, "boo, I missed you!" *skurttttt* bye bihh!

Story #2 – A good friend of mine got engaged recently. I knew her for YEARS! I'm talking, we cried when they showed the last episode of Boy Meets World together at her house. We fell outta contact but when we linked back up, she introduces me to her fiancé at a party. I showed him mad love, congratulated him, and wished them the best; I’m genuinely happy for them. He seemed receptive, but I would soon learn that he fronted something hard! I got random accounts from our friends concerning this dude using my name in vain. He claimed that I had/have relations with his GF (which I didn’t because I was never attracted to her in that way...her teeth, eh). He claimed that we would end up in the same places because we SET it up that way and not by coincidence. A mutual friend even told me to stop talking to my homegirl because dude would ice-grill me anytime I spoke to her. I didn’t think it was that serious, but I took my people’s advice and chilled, because I damn sure didn't want this dude to run up on me and ask, "...can I get a drop!?" (YouTube if you don't know what I'm referring to).

In my head I'm like, "maybe it's because I'm chocolate...ladies love chocolate!" But then I realized, I'm short! And females ain't really checking for no short dude, no matter how great they may be...

ok I'm lying but women aren't necessarily checking for me and if they are, I damn sure ain't aware!

So I asked my close lady friends on many occasions what kinda impression is it that I give off, from their POV:

" flirt a lot and if I was ya girl I would have a problem with that! But then again you ain't out here f***in everything so, it's harmless but I would stab you Ant!"

"I can see why dudes be mad at you honestly because you know what you want and you don't settle. If I were, MY BF, you'd be blocked from every form of getting in contact with me!"

And it's sh** like that I can appreciate because I know I'm a flirt, hell, I take full responsibility for my actions but when I'm in a relationship, I will flirt and nothing more! I'm not that type of dude to want someone's GF/wife...ok, I have a few in mind that if they were single I would pursue, a few of which I'm sure will be reading this, so that last line was a lie, forgive me. With that being said, here are some actually convos/things that have been said to me or about me over the past few yrs by dudes who, well, you be the judge: 

"I don't want you talking to him! That little ass dude with the beard be dry snitchin in them blogs or posts or whatever it is he be doing! He look like Taye Diggs, like seriously! And women love Taye!"

Women tell me that having attractive, successful, single men as platonic friends doesn’t always fly with their man and over the years I've seen why. Some dudes seriously play a good friend role and then once that relationship is on the rocks...he's tryna slide his whole penis in her like she wasn't just crying over ol' dude 2 weeks ago! I cant help it if women think I'm handsome- blame my pops! Men are observant creatures. Men always keep their eyes open for dudes who claim to be cool with their girl because that’s how some men have gotten their current girl to begin with. The BF usually assumes the “friend” has hidden motives, which isn't always the case. Insecurity also plays a role here. A dude who sees that another man, whose friends with his GF, excels or surpasses him in areas he lacks, may feel pressure. He’ll start power trippin, make demands for ya'll to stop seeing each other, or push the envelope to see how much he can eliminate you from his GF's life. I had a dude inbox me on FB one time, "you comment my shawty pic with that "good morning" s*** bro and Imma fuc* you up! You disrespectful!" Haha, light skin dudes.

"Wait, but wasn't you and Keshia talking about his d*** the other day!? Keshia hoe ass always seeing somebody penis so I know there's some truth to it!"

***quick story***
My homegirls walked in on me getting out the shower...and seen my package. Keisha told our friend's BF for whatever reason and lord...that's where the problems began. Now my friend and her man have a whole ass discussion and she tells him "x y z" and that creates an issue that I had to step away from.

I never understood why females tell their BF's irrelevant things for. By telling him stupid sh**, you have now made some regular ol' guy a potential threat. She may have dreamt about you, praised a recent accomplishment, or made some annoying ass comment about you and your popularity with the ladies. Either way, she said something to make him wonder. Don't post, "Ant I love your blogs; keep'em comin!" because he is most definitely gonna feel some kinda way about that and I ain't got the time to sarcastically defend bs. Ladies, don't ever put your guy friends in an awkward situation with you boo only spells trouble. Don't ever talk about your ex's penis size with your current either- no matter how much he asks about it. If he does ask about it, lie! Yes, I just told you to lie!

Man: "babe, where you at?"
GF: "at Ant house playin Call of Duty, I tol...hello? hello?!?!?"

A lot of females feel the same way when it comes to other women, "I don't f***s wit these b****** because these bit**es are fake!! Why you think most of my friends are male friends!" Many guys can’t understand how women can have a man, and still chill with guys. Some people will argue that a woman’s BF should suffice for all her needs, whether it’s recreational, sexual, intellectual, or spiritual. Me- eh. A man doesn't want to be around his woman 24-damn-7, but that doesn’t mean we want other men (friends or otherwise) to hang with our woman either!

(excluding me because I know you need "you time" and friend time, so yea, do you boo boo)

If anytime you want to go out with your girl, and she replies “oh not today I have training with Mike” or “Me and Sean are doing lunch today bae, I told you that. Reign check?”, this will eventually cause a rift between the two of yall. My homegirl had to call the police because her BF yoked her up because me and a few of our mutual friends sent her flowers on her birthday because it was just a sweet gesture and because her day started off crappy... dude is currently in jail.

"I know you & Wesley Snipes had somethin in the past..."

Many platonic friendships between men and women birth from an attraction from one or both parties. You may have tried to holla and it didn’t work out, so you gladly accept being in the friend zone. You could develop relationships from having friends in common. Ya'll could’ve even messed around once. Either way, prior history of attraction holds the same weight as Rockefeller drug laws and it makes her friend guilty until proven innocent. Women love to use the phrase “I used to like him but he’s my friend now” and act like that’s normal! You know damn well most guys ain't for no chick with a past, but I digress. The friend zone is like the speeding limit: Yea it’s a rule to follow, but most people speed anyway, switch lanes without signaling, and slow down when they see police. My homegirl Maria's husband pressed me because we talked a long time ago:

"I don't care it was 45 yrs or 2 yrs ago! That's my lady now!"

Pushing the envelope on a friendship based on attraction is normal human interaction, but remember that the difference between 65 and 100 mph is 2-5 seconds, so drive safe. 

"Stop callin/textin/emailin him about our problems! He ain't Steve Harvey!"

I can't help it if a female decides to confide in me as a friend and nor can any other man who is a neutral party. Men hate when their GF/wife has a male friend whom which she decides to call upon when things get rocky. They feel like dudes can’t objectively critique situations without some type of plan to eventually try to fu** if sh** goes left!! Dudes also fear that another dude will tell their women when their man is full of sh** and share all the so-called "secrets" only men know. Men also feel like their GF’s shouldn’t converse about their problems with another dude, especially if the man knows him, because it’s inappropriate. Yes, women have female friends who they go to for advice but 8/10 they aren't listening to Cassandra who has been single since Miley Cyrus was on Disney! Men for the most part will recognize that they have these male friends, but men will always keep an eye on the situation just in case. Recently, a dude named James hit me up on Instagram to talk to me about the friendship me and his baby mama has. When I tell you that was the worst 2 hours of my life wasted on this dude and his insecure ass, when in actuality, I TOLD his baby mama to stay and work things out...lawwddd!

At the end of the day, I respect relationships/marriages and I try not to step on toes. I don’t disrespect my female friends or their boyfriends, and I remain mindful of my words and actions, and the perceptions they may carry. It’s tough to take all those precautions and still have dudes claim that I’m no good. I can’t live my life for others, or in fear of what my every move will mean to the next man’s situation. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to fear. Fear leads to insecurity, and insecurity can push your BF/GF right into the hands of another person. I get attacked on a day to day basis about "how can you have all this wisdom if you've never been married?" Or my personal favorite, "how can a single man give advice to those in relationships!?" It always makes me laugh. The moment I allow anyone's opinion of what I do get in the way of who I'm becoming is the day I record a video of me eating a dog's ass with cat food! Fellas...I don't want your lady, if anything, I'm trying to KEEP you with your lady but your insecurities won't allow you to see that. If she means anything to you- fight for her. Let her know how much you care about her! Stop worrying about the next dude when she isn't even paying him no mind! Don't end up like me sharing your personal life all over the internet because pride kept you from something great. You got someone great- you hold on to her.


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