Before I start this piece, I would like to say thank you to ALL that have been supporting #ABetterBreedOfMan since my launch in March. 6 months later, 20 blogs done&done, thousands upon thousands of page views, I want to sincerely say thank you because it honestly means a lot to me. I really take what I do seriously and do my best to give 110% with every single blog that I post. At one point, I got upset at the fact that everybody wasn't feeling what I was doing but, like with most things in life, I learned the hard way and I thank the Lord for that lesson. I thank the Lord for the talent but more importantly, I thank the lord for LIFE! More importantly tho...thank God for all you Ray Charles dudes right now! (2 Chainz voice). What better way to welcome the new season than with a new blog from yours truly! All you dudes who can't seem to take the hint and think that, that instacrush REALLY likes you when all she REALLY likes is yo posts...guess again.
*class is in session*

Hey Buddy!:
Bitch...don't "hey buddy" me!
I know what "hey buddy" is code for and it's not sex! Seriously tho, a lot of you guys don't realize that words like: buddy, fren, friend, pal, brotha, dude, bro, homie, etc is really code for, "I'm not interested in you like that!" She hits you up because you're cool to talk to, about the dude she's f***in...not because she WANTS to f*** you! You're like the dude she talks to when her gay best friend is out twerkin, her best friends are busy, and the dude she's f***in is probably out f***in somebody else or playing Grand Theft Auto 5! How a woman speaks to you, will dictate her level of attraction towards you.
"Well I'm day was good, thanks for can I tell you about what's been going on wit this man!!": day was good too bitch!
If she hits you up on some, "hey, how are you?" and then proceeds to ask no further questions about YOU or anything that pertains to YOU...she don't give a damn about you, simple and plain. When a female is interested in you, she'll ask you questions about what's going on in your life or just general questions about you that she hasn't gathered from social networks. Answer me this fellas: does she know you like red velvet cake because she ASKED you or did you willingly TELL her because she told you about her date, and the dude that ordered it for her? I'll wait...
If she ain't read it off of FB, Twitter, or obtain it from an Instagram post; you had to tell her and that right there should let you know...she's not that interested in you. A woman who is interested, will take the time to get to know you, not just obtain information that you've learned, for the betterment of her.
"Damn, he is fine!"
"Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't think you heard of my followers!":
"Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't think you heard of my followers!":
Bitch...I look good too!
Her #MC (ManCrush) might be LeBron James, hell, it might even be Macklemore, but unless it's someone outside of stardom...her talking about other dudes, should raise more than just your eyebrows; it should raise some concerns. "Damn, but seriously, @coreyniceeyes looks good! Ima screenshot and you show." Bitch, don't send me no pics of no dudes unless it's Jesus himself! Anytime casual talks about other dudes get brought up, I mean CLEARLY, she's telling you...she's not interested.
Your jokes...just don't make her laugh:
Bitch...I know I ain't Kevin Hart but come on, laugh at something!
You try to tell some jokes to lighten the mood/break the ice and all you seem to be doing is making her more and more agitated! Your lil comedy act may have worked with the last girl that "friend zoned" but it's not going over well with this one...take the hint. When you tell a joke and she doesn't say something like, "lol, aww," or "that was cute," or there's no lmao, LMAO, ctfu (cracking the f*** up), LML (laughing mad loud), or even ROTFL (rolling on the floor laughing), she's not interested and clearly she doesn't find you funny. Forcing corny jokes is like forcing a dry penis into a drier vagina; that sh*t will only hurt both parties involved!
"Oh hey, I'm bringing Lali, Lindsey, and Manda...see you soon!":
Bitch...leave those bitches at home!
If you have never had any alone time with her, it's clear she's probably not interested in you. Sure, DOUBLE dates are cool but handicap dates (where her friend...or you're the third-wheel) aren't fun at all, ESPECIALLY when you're trying to get to know her better. You can't sneak kisses at the table while you, her, and Becky are all out at Applebees! You tryna get a kiss and she's tryna get a selfie; you tryna cup her ass but she's moving away tryna get a better angle on her steak and shrimp dish, making sure that there's no guest appearance from your plate/cup... #ItBeLikeThatSometimes
She doesn't return you call/text/emails or any other form of communication: just said you were sleep, how you like that pic in ya sleep!?
This should be pretty damn obvious for all you dudes! If anytime you call and she doesn't pick up, she's not interested. If you try to FaceTime/Oovoo/IChat/Skype/Tango and she declines with the quickness or it just rings out, she's not interested. If you text her and you don't get a response, clearly, she's not into you. If you do get a response and she says, "oh, I was busy," but she managed to put up two RP on Instagram, tweeted, and updated her pic on FB WHILE she was, "busy"...she's not interested. If you do text and she responds with, "who this???" all those damn question marks should be an indicator that not feeling you and/or she deleted your number and/or it was never stored!
This should be pretty damn obvious for all you dudes! If anytime you call and she doesn't pick up, she's not interested. If you try to FaceTime/Oovoo/IChat/Skype/Tango and she declines with the quickness or it just rings out, she's not interested. If you text her and you don't get a response, clearly, she's not into you. If you do get a response and she says, "oh, I was busy," but she managed to put up two RP on Instagram, tweeted, and updated her pic on FB WHILE she was, "busy"...she's not interested. If you do text and she responds with, "who this???" all those damn question marks should be an indicator that not feeling you and/or she deleted your number and/or it was never stored!
Best friend: "Oh, it's nice to meet you...": ain't tell ya BESTIE about me tho?!?
Anytime the best friend(s) have no idea of who you are, chalk that up to never being talked about from a lack of not-giving-a-f***! If she's feeling you, you better believe the best friends, her parents, siblings, her favorite auntie, social networks, hell, even the person that does her hair is gonna know about you. A woman who has an interest in you will sing that sh*t to the WORLD like a bird on a weak tree branch in the middle of Spring!
I'm celibate:
You ain't celibate just had sex with Marc last week!
If the sex talk hasn't happened, let's say, AT ALL, it won't happen. Let's say y'all do chill, alone, and she's laughing at your lil jokes n'what-not and actually having a conversation with attention to her body language: although she's "speaking" her body language will say more then the mouth ever will. If she's cold, standoff-ish, that's a sign of her being uninterested. You like her right? So you're gonna stand close to her. You THINK she likes you right? So why she give you church hugs (that's when there's enough space in between the two of you to birth twins) and sit at the end of the couch? She's, not, in-te-res-ted!
Ladies, I know some of these dudes you attract are beyond annoying and only wanna have sex with you when all you want is a friend but if you aren't making what it is that you want, crystal clear, it will never be clear to him! You're concerned about hurting his feelings but will keep him around and complain about what he's doing to you when you have the power to change your situation. What you will allow, will damn sure continue and if you aren't taking the necessary steps to allow his ass to get the bigger picture that YOU'RE NOT INTERESTED IN HIM...he will continue to call and text you day in and day out and you will continue to be annoyed, day in and day out. More importantly up! Stop ignoring the signs, tryna bypass to the ass when she wouldn't spit on you even if you were on fire! Not only do you make yourself look bad, but you put her in a position to where she'll become even more skeptical about any dude for the future. If she's interested in you, you will know, I mean, Jehovah Witnesses knock on your door faithfully right? Don't be a Jehovah Witness...knock on a door that will be receptive of what you tryna say. If you take nothing from what I've said, take this
Please, leave her, the, f***alone!
Ladies: what are some of the other signs that men often miss? What has worked for you when you've had a "Jehovah Witness" kinda dude who just wouldn't take the hint?
Fellas: have you ever been in this kinda situation? Let me know, let me know!