*names have been changed to protect the innocent*
Friend: don't you HATE when a b**** brag about a n**** that ain't hers?"
Me: yea, but, that's the way of the world I guess
Friend: ugh, I hate that you're so nonchalant Anthony...but this bi*** Kira is sleeping with ol boy.
Me: Hamilton?
Friend: ...
Friend: how did you know that?
Me: she told me
Friend: and you're not mad? What happened if some f***ed your GF?! All that writing you do, you should do a blog on bi*** who ain't s*** and who f*** other girl's men
I know one day I will have a daughter and I will have to explain to her that having a BF is hard work and you should never advise him to "choke and stroke" you during sex because that will only lead to him potentially choking you in real life! I say that to say this: I hope my daughter(s) never aspire to be on reality TV, dating a rapper, who can only read at a 4th grade level and who gets so high, that he can barely park his spaceship (I'm pretty sure I'll have a child by the time those are invented). So, to my future wife (if you're reading this) this piece is for you!
I pray to lil baby Jesus that my daughter never has to go thru what I see so many women go thru today! So, here's on my piece on "labels" or "titles" a woman should NEVER want to aspire to be in life...
*class is in session*
Sometimes, things don't work out between you and the father of your child(ren) and for that...I understand. I won't sit here and judge, criticize, talk down on, nor will I ridicule any woman who is currently going thru that type of relationship/situation, but, the REST of you?! Nah! [some] Of y'all ladies are content with being JUST a baby mama to a man who won't commit to anything MORE than eating your vagina when you're angry and picking you up from the gym so that creepy guy won't hit on you anymore. He says,
"I like what we have babe...you got my child, so I ain't going nowhere, (insert forehead kiss) I love you!"
But you know, like I know, like we all know...he full of it!
The fear of being a single mother is a very daunting one, I get it, but I don't get why so many women allow a man to just give them children and not a ring! If all you're getting is pregnant on top of spoon fed bullsh*t on top of excuses on WHY he won't make you a mother AND wife, well, what does that say about you and, what do you then tell your child(ren)? There are too many baby mommas and not enough wives and I'm not saying pressure him because he'll either A) leave B) cheat C) keep giving you the run around. What I am SAYING is: want (hand clap) more (hand clap) for (hand clap) yourself (hand clap, hand clap).
A "career GF":
"Our kids would look so good together...I always wanted a house out in the suburbs...where you wanna have wedding at (insert crazy laugh)...I'm just joking...where's this waitress at?!"
If a chick is talking about weddings and babies and y'all JUST started dating; run! [some] Women are content with being a girlfriend who has all these plans for the future...with a guy she's JUST met! You hardly know his whole damn name and already looking to settle down; relax, he ain't going nowhere. If she says, "men usually don't know what they want and that's why I'm single," and then turns around and says, "...I was thinking long term...and they weren't," and THEN, goes on to say, "but I can see myself being with you tho...forever," and y'all have only been dating for about a month? Exit stage left! The goal is to build and get to know the guy not speak on what hasn't been built with someone you hardly know...where's the logic in that! You see yourself as being a wife...one day, but you're scaring men off to the idea of actually being your man!
A "some day" GF:
If you ask your man, "when are you gonna wife me up," or whoever you contextualize it and he responds like...
hell if I know |
or he'll say, "I like what we have (kiss) I just don't, wanna mess things up with a title and then we start arguing..."
7/10 he doesn't see a future with you. Before you gave him the pus** he said, "let's not rush things and see where we end up," and then you gave him the kitty and now he's dancing around your questions better than Justin Timberlake when he was in Backstreet Boys *NSYNC! Lil orphan Annie thought the sun would come out tomorrow, hell, she was hanging on to the fact that the sun was gonna bring it's ol' bright ass out and guess what...we still don't know if it did or didn't. See, Annie had hope, but she wasn't getting di** from Christopher with the green eyes and milk chocolate skin; you are! And no matter how much he dances around the question and into your vagina, the more you allow him or any other man to do the same...you'll forever be a "some day" kinda woman.
I laugh at women...
(and apologies to those who this might offend)
I laugh at women who pride themselves in, idk, thinking it's some sort of accomplishment by fu**ing another woman's man like karma doesn't exist. How could you ever fix your lips to ask a man to take you serious, when you take pride in laying down with another's woman's man?! How can you pray to God/Allah/King James or whomever you pray to, to send you a man, when you're not fit, to be a man's one and only option?! Sure, he's content with sexing you down, why? Because after he's done fu**ing you, he goes home, and more than likely tosses his penis into his GF/wife's mouth and they go to bed happy. You on the other hand go to bed lonely as f*** watching old episodes of Law & Order, scrolling thru Instagram, tappin twice n'sh*t! Your ego is the only thing that wins here! You say, "girl, I don't about his bi*** because CLEARLY he don't, so why should I?! He's f**king me AND her and tells me he loves me...I ain't worried bout nothing!" and then you wonder why you can't keep a man! You seen what happened to Sanaa Lathan in that Tyler Perry movie "The Family That Preys," when she thought that the husband was gonna leave the wife for her ass...yea, exactly; ain't happenin captain!
A"booty call":
If he never hits you up to go out anymore- you're a booty call.
If he only ask you to come over to chill or ask to come over- you're a booty call.
If the text he sends, always begin after 11 pm- you're a booty call.
The only things open late nights are drive thrus, hole in the wall clubs, strip clubs, and your legs. This man doesn't see a relationship with you, no kinda commitment, no kinda nothing! Sure, he has good sex...but what else does he offer.
I pray my daughter never has aspirations to be anything less than a Queen. I know there was some humorous moments in this blog, but I know sooo many women who are happy with just being: the baby mom, who gets a child support check or the side piece who looks for happiness in the arms of a married man. Why not want more for yourself ladies...why not demand more from these men! You have a choice, you have leverage, you are Queens- Black, White, Latino, Asian, whatever, YOU, are a Queen! It doesn't take a blog to know that or a stupid ass post or tweet to confirm that! How could you be content with knowing that a man only sees you as JUST sex?! There are too many women giving passes and letting excuses run wild and not enough women who stand up and CHECK these men on their sh*t! I want to see you ladies happy...and I'm not talking happy with the new bag bae got you or the heels he got you or the once of month date he takes you on, where 60% of the time, ya'll are on the phone! DEMAND MORE! One day you'll look in the mirror and realize that being a man's wife, a man's life partner...is a lot better than being his cinnamon apple with good pussy, with a college degree, and decent credit!
*class is dismissed*
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